Reiki Training Program
Traditional Reiki Level 2 Certification
with KC KENT
Expand your Reiki practice to include providing energy treatments to others and at a distance.
This training reviews and expands on the energy and healing techniques covered in Usui Reiki Level 1 training. Traditionally, Reiki Level 1 qualifies a student to perform self-healings and offer reiki to others without monetary compensation. In Reiki Level 2 training, we cover offering energy treatments to others and managing clients’ energies. This will include covering appropriate energy exchange for providing reiki services (fee for service model), and client intake and contracting prior to sessions. Additionally we will discuss how to maintain appropriate boundaries and avoid (or clear) energy entanglements. Students will receive their Reiki Level 2 attunement through ritual to align their emotional body and be provided additional sacred reiki symbols to work with energy and healing across distance (remote work over time and space). Students will continue to practice additional techniques including opening space, grounding, and shielding to create a safe and sacred container to explore and experience Reiki with the highest good and intentions. Students will be given the opportunity to practice on themselves and with one another. Open dialogue about the sensations, experiences, and questions that arise throughout this process are welcome and encouraged. We will also touch on some of the scientific basis for energy balancing and healing as well as sit in the mystery of its magic.
Students will receive a certificate of completion at the end of this training.
Limited to 12 people!
September 6 & 7, 2025
Saturday, September 6, 1:30-4:30pm [Session 1]
Sunday, September 7, 1:30-6:30pm [Session 2]
+ 2 hrs self-guided practicum (required)
Total Training Hours: 10 (8 hours class time + 2 hour practicum*)
*At least 1 hour of the required 2 hours of practicum will take place during Mind.Body.Hum’s public Sound Bath class on either Saturday Sept 7, 5-6pm or Sunday Sept 8, 7-8:15pm. Expect 30min to debrief following each public class.
$375 (EARLY, ends 8/1/25)
$495 (REGULAR, starts 8/2/25)
$650 (Ends 3/5/25) - Reiki Level 1 & Level 2 BUNDLE (*Please see Reiki Level 2 Training Program for more details on Level 2*)
(1) BIPOC scholarship (available first come first serve) - $275 for Reiki Level 1; $275 for Reiki Level 2; $500 for bundle R1 + R2. Email to schedule.
Payments must be made in full. 50% refund for cancellations made before March 5, 2025. (1) time transfer to future training allowed.